
Veranstaltungen im Februar 2022

Montag Dienstag Mittwoch Donnerstag Freitag Samstag Sonntag
31. Januar 2022
1. Februar 2022
2. Februar 2022
3. Februar 2022
4. Februar 2022
5. Februar 2022
6. Februar 2022
7. Februar 2022
8. Februar 2022(2 Veranstaltungen)

19:00: BISS trifft: Delegation des Bistums Hildesheim ONLINE!!!

8. Februar 2022

Vor unserer BISS-Sitzung findet heute ein ONLINE Treffen mit dem Bistum Hildesheim statt.

Wir bitten um Verständnis, dass diese Veranstaltung nicht öffentlich ist.

20:00: BISS-Sitzung ausschließlich ONLINE!!!

8. Februar 2022

Unsere BISS-Sitzung findet heute aufgrund der Corona-Situation ONLINE über Webex statt.

Für die Online-Veranstaltung ist eine Anmeldung erforderlich: Anmeldung

9. Februar 2022
10. Februar 2022
11. Februar 2022
12. Februar 2022
13. Februar 2022
14. Februar 2022(1 Veranstaltung)

All day: KURVE Wustrow: Online Training - DIGITAL SECURITY

All day
14. Februar 2022 17. Februar 2022

DIGITAL SECURITY 14.–17. + 23.02.2022

Our trainings are particularly intended for partners from the global south, peace activists, civil peace workers and professionals working in development cooperation.

Applications must reach us as soon as possible and no later than 5 weeks before the training starts. For further information please refer to the attached flyer or visit our website. You can also contact us via opt@kurvewustrow.org

For your application please use the application form available on our homepage:  https://kurvewustrow.civiservice.de/webform/application-form-for-online-practitioner-trainings. And of course you are welcome to forward this information to colleagues and organisations who might benefit from our program.

KURVE Wustrow
Centre for Training and Networking in Nonviolent Action
Kirchstr. 14, 29462 Wustrow (Wendland)


15. Februar 2022(2 Veranstaltungen)

All day: KURVE Wustrow: Online Training - DIGITAL SECURITY

All day
14. Februar 2022 17. Februar 2022

DIGITAL SECURITY 14.–17. + 23.02.2022

Our trainings are particularly intended for partners from the global south, peace activists, civil peace workers and professionals working in development cooperation.

Applications must reach us as soon as possible and no later than 5 weeks before the training starts. For further information please refer to the attached flyer or visit our website. You can also contact us via opt@kurvewustrow.org

For your application please use the application form available on our homepage:  https://kurvewustrow.civiservice.de/webform/application-form-for-online-practitioner-trainings. And of course you are welcome to forward this information to colleagues and organisations who might benefit from our program.

KURVE Wustrow
Centre for Training and Networking in Nonviolent Action
Kirchstr. 14, 29462 Wustrow (Wendland)


19:00: Online-Strahlenschutz-Stammtisch

15. Februar 2022

 "Gesundheit, unser höchstes Gut - Strahlung, unsere größte Gesundheitsgefahr?"
Geplanter Ablauf (Stand heute):
1) Begrüßung / Einleitung (Paul Koch)
2) Gesundheit, unser höchstes Gut! (Dr. Jörg Schmidt / IPPNW)
3) Strahlung, unsere größte Gesundheitsgefahr? (Dr. Rainer Gellermann)
4) Diskussion
5) Abschluss (Bodo Walther)
Anmeldung notwendig: Paul Koch, Sozialdiakon i.R.: paul.koch47@gmx.de
16. Februar 2022(2 Veranstaltungen)

All day: KURVE Wustrow: Online Training - DIGITAL SECURITY

All day
14. Februar 2022 17. Februar 2022

DIGITAL SECURITY 14.–17. + 23.02.2022

Our trainings are particularly intended for partners from the global south, peace activists, civil peace workers and professionals working in development cooperation.

Applications must reach us as soon as possible and no later than 5 weeks before the training starts. For further information please refer to the attached flyer or visit our website. You can also contact us via opt@kurvewustrow.org

For your application please use the application form available on our homepage:  https://kurvewustrow.civiservice.de/webform/application-form-for-online-practitioner-trainings. And of course you are welcome to forward this information to colleagues and organisations who might benefit from our program.

KURVE Wustrow
Centre for Training and Networking in Nonviolent Action
Kirchstr. 14, 29462 Wustrow (Wendland)


18:00: Atommüllkonferenz, AG1, Durchsprache des Positionspapiers

16. Februar 2022


17. Februar 2022(1 Veranstaltung)

All day: KURVE Wustrow: Online Training - DIGITAL SECURITY

All day
14. Februar 2022 17. Februar 2022

DIGITAL SECURITY 14.–17. + 23.02.2022

Our trainings are particularly intended for partners from the global south, peace activists, civil peace workers and professionals working in development cooperation.

Applications must reach us as soon as possible and no later than 5 weeks before the training starts. For further information please refer to the attached flyer or visit our website. You can also contact us via opt@kurvewustrow.org

For your application please use the application form available on our homepage:  https://kurvewustrow.civiservice.de/webform/application-form-for-online-practitioner-trainings. And of course you are welcome to forward this information to colleagues and organisations who might benefit from our program.

KURVE Wustrow
Centre for Training and Networking in Nonviolent Action
Kirchstr. 14, 29462 Wustrow (Wendland)


18. Februar 2022(1 Veranstaltung)

17:00: [Archiv Atomerbe Mitglieder] Einladung Offenes Treffen

18. Februar 2022

Liebe Mitglieder und Aktive,

hiermit möchte ich Euch an unser nächstes Offene Treffen am Freitag, den 18.02.2022 um 17.00 Uhr erinnern.

Anmeldung: info@archiv-atomerbe.de

19. Februar 2022
20. Februar 2022
21. Februar 2022(1 Veranstaltung)

19:00: „Mit Atomstrom gegen Klimawandel?“

21. Februar 2022

In dem Vortrag wollen wir uns kritisch mit diesem Narrativ und der (vermeintlichen) Renaissance der Atomkraft auseinandersetzen. Der Referent, Mycle Schneider (Paris), gilt international als einer der renommiertesten Fachleute auf diesem Gebiet. Er ist Herausgeber des jährlich erscheinenden World Nuclear Industry Status Report (WNISR) und Träger des sog. Alternativen Nobelpreises (Right Livelihood Award).

Das Münchner Forum Nachhaltigkeit findet an diesem Abend in Kooperation mit Protect the Planet gGmbH statt.

Referent: Mycle Schneider (World Information Service on Energy - WISE, Paris)
Ort: online via Zoom

Anmeldung:  https://oekom-verein.de/veranstaltung/vortrag-mycle-schneider-atomenergie-klima-die-vermeintliche-renaissance-der-atomkraft-in-zeiten-des-klimawandel

Rückfragen: Dr. Manuel Schneider, mobil: 0172 / 81 96 965, email: info@oekom-verein.de

22. Februar 2022(1 Veranstaltung)
23. Februar 2022(1 Veranstaltung)

All day: KURVE Wustrow: Online Training - DIGITAL SECURITY

All day
23. Februar 2022

DIGITAL SECURITY 14.–17. + 23.02.2022

Our trainings are particularly intended for partners from the global south, peace activists, civil peace workers and professionals working in development cooperation.

Applications must reach us as soon as possible and no later than 5 weeks before the training starts. For further information please refer to the attached flyer or visit our website. You can also contact us via opt@kurvewustrow.org

For your application please use the application form available on our homepage:  https://kurvewustrow.civiservice.de/webform/application-form-for-online-practitioner-trainings. And of course you are welcome to forward this information to colleagues and organisations who might benefit from our program.

KURVE Wustrow
Centre for Training and Networking in Nonviolent Action
Kirchstr. 14, 29462 Wustrow (Wendland)


24. Februar 2022(2 Veranstaltungen)

18:00: BGE zu Asse II - Jahresrückblick 2021 und Ausblick 2022

24. Februar 2022

Die BGE (Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung) informiert in der Reihe Betrifft: Asse über die wesentlichen Arbeiten des Jahres 2021.

Ort: Zoom-Konferenz (externer Link) (Meeting-ID: 835 8995 4849 / Kenncode: 715035) oder Livestream auf YouTube
Mehr auf https://www.bge.de/de/aktuelles/meldungen-und-pressemitteilungen/meldung/news/2022/2/697-asse/

18:30: NBG-Streitgespräch: „Not in my backyard – Schadet das Ausscheren von einigen Regionen dem Verfahren?“

24. Februar 2022

Eine Frage, zwei Personen, zwei unterschiedliche Perspektiven – so das Motto des Talkformats des Nationalen Begleitgremiums.

Die Auswahl eines Endlagerstandorts soll streng nach wissenschaftlichen Kriterien erfolgen und nicht nach politischen Beweggründen. Trotzdem stellen einige Regionen jetzt schon ihre Eignung in Frage. Schadet dieses Ausscheren nicht dem Verfahren?

Wer diskutiert?
- Martin Behringer (Bürgermeister von Thurmansbang in Bayern)
- Manfred Suddendorf (Mitglied des Nationalen Begleitgremiums)

Das Format wird digital stattfinden und auf dem YouTube-Kanal des NBG übertragen. Hier haben Interessierte auch die Chance, Fragen im Chat zu stellen.

Mehr Infos gibt es hier auf der NBG-Website.

25. Februar 2022
26. Februar 2022
27. Februar 2022
28. Februar 2022
1. März 2022(1 Veranstaltung)


All day
1. März 2022 4. März 2022

CAMPAIGNING FOR NONVIOLENT CHANGE 01.–04.03.2022 + 12.04.2022

Our trainings are particularly intended for partners from the global south, peace activists, civil peace workers and professionals working in development cooperation.

Applications must reach us as soon as possible and no later than 5 weeks before the training starts. For further information please refer to the attached flyer or visit our website. You can also contact us via opt@kurvewustrow.org

For your application please use the application form available on our homepage:  https://kurvewustrow.civiservice.de/webform/application-form-for-online-practitioner-trainings. And of course you are welcome to forward this information to colleagues and organisations who might benefit from our program.

KURVE Wustrow
Centre for Training and Networking in Nonviolent Action
Kirchstr. 14, 29462 Wustrow (Wendland)


2. März 2022(2 Veranstaltungen)


All day
1. März 2022 4. März 2022

CAMPAIGNING FOR NONVIOLENT CHANGE 01.–04.03.2022 + 12.04.2022

Our trainings are particularly intended for partners from the global south, peace activists, civil peace workers and professionals working in development cooperation.

Applications must reach us as soon as possible and no later than 5 weeks before the training starts. For further information please refer to the attached flyer or visit our website. You can also contact us via opt@kurvewustrow.org

For your application please use the application form available on our homepage:  https://kurvewustrow.civiservice.de/webform/application-form-for-online-practitioner-trainings. And of course you are welcome to forward this information to colleagues and organisations who might benefit from our program.

KURVE Wustrow
Centre for Training and Networking in Nonviolent Action
Kirchstr. 14, 29462 Wustrow (Wendland)


18:00: Atommüllkonferenz, AG1, Finale Durchsprache des Positionspapiers

2. März 2022


3. März 2022(1 Veranstaltung)


All day
1. März 2022 4. März 2022

CAMPAIGNING FOR NONVIOLENT CHANGE 01.–04.03.2022 + 12.04.2022

Our trainings are particularly intended for partners from the global south, peace activists, civil peace workers and professionals working in development cooperation.

Applications must reach us as soon as possible and no later than 5 weeks before the training starts. For further information please refer to the attached flyer or visit our website. You can also contact us via opt@kurvewustrow.org

For your application please use the application form available on our homepage:  https://kurvewustrow.civiservice.de/webform/application-form-for-online-practitioner-trainings. And of course you are welcome to forward this information to colleagues and organisations who might benefit from our program.

KURVE Wustrow
Centre for Training and Networking in Nonviolent Action
Kirchstr. 14, 29462 Wustrow (Wendland)


4. März 2022(1 Veranstaltung)


All day
1. März 2022 4. März 2022

CAMPAIGNING FOR NONVIOLENT CHANGE 01.–04.03.2022 + 12.04.2022

Our trainings are particularly intended for partners from the global south, peace activists, civil peace workers and professionals working in development cooperation.

Applications must reach us as soon as possible and no later than 5 weeks before the training starts. For further information please refer to the attached flyer or visit our website. You can also contact us via opt@kurvewustrow.org

For your application please use the application form available on our homepage:  https://kurvewustrow.civiservice.de/webform/application-form-for-online-practitioner-trainings. And of course you are welcome to forward this information to colleagues and organisations who might benefit from our program.

KURVE Wustrow
Centre for Training and Networking in Nonviolent Action
Kirchstr. 14, 29462 Wustrow (Wendland)


5. März 2022
6. März 2022